Page 17 - Alumni Newsletter Spring 2013

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Secondary school students showed up
on campus on Saturday, January 5, to
learn about various careers. Over 40
professionals held talks and presentations
including physicians, journalists, bankers,
graphic designers, engineers, nutritionists,
actors, educators and advertisers.
“When you are in the secondary school,
you have one foot in school and one in
college,” said Paula Mufarrij, Director of
the Secondary school. “We are creating
this link between the school years and the
future. A career day helps out students
discover this future.”
Students had previously signed up to
attend four sessions throughout the
four-hour event.This is the second Career
Guidance Day organized by the newly
formed Parents Committee within the
last two years.
“We want all our children to think ‘I own
my future and the sky isn’t in fact the
limit’” said Lina Assaf, President of the
Parents Committee. “We are trying to
show them that they can believe in and
achieve whatever they dream of, no mat-
ter what the difficulties are.”
A yearly career day will now be held at the
Secondary school. Future projects include
arranging for students to shadow profes-
sionals at work to discover for themselves
the pros and cons of a particular job.
Career Day