Page 16 - SpringNL14 Final

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DC dinner
Dinners and Events
IC President, John Johnson and VP Alumni & Development,
Moufid Beydoun ’64
, travelled to the
US twice in the past few months in an effort to raise awareness of IC’s new phase: the building of
a new Middle and PreSchool in Ras Beirut and new facilities in Ain Aar. At every event attended or
hosted, they took the opportunity to talk about the school and its exciting new plans.
Washington DC 2013
In November, they travelled to Washington DC and held a dinner
organized by
Hind Soudi Ahdab ’87
Gigi Kraytem ‘84
Hamdan ’86
Noura Steitieh ‘03
Nizar Zakka ’85
at the
Texas de Brazil restaurant, sponsored by
Salah Izzedine ’65
(Founder and CEO of Texas de Brazil). The dinner was attended
by over 70 alumni and IC friends.