Page 8 - IC Newsletter Summer 2004

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From campus to campus
the Khartabil family has
followed IC, and gener-
ation after generation
they continue to be IC
stalwarts. In Smyrna,
Turkey, where IC was
first founded, Dr. Adib
Khartabil ’20 attended
as a boarding student,
later moving to Beirut to
join the Medical School
of AUB. Dr. Adib’s
grandson, Hisham
Khartabil ’62, enrolled
at IC in 1954; today he
is working at General
Motors, Saudi Arabia.
Lana Khartabil ’90 and
sisters Tala ’94 and
Rania ’97 followed in the footsteps of their father, also
enrolling at IC. Lana graduated from AUB with a sociology
degree and married Ghassan Osman ’80, with whom she
has two children, Tamara and Hisham, both IC students.
Tamara is in 3rd Elementary, and Hisham is in KGI.
In the following letter Mr. Hisham Khartabil ’62 conveys
one of the humorous incidents that took place during his
days at IC:
Some of the
most enjoyable
times in my life
were at I.C. A
lot of funny
incidents took
place during my
One of the funniest incidents that I still remember is the
honor roll April Fool's trick. At that time, there was a
monthly honor roll list which the administration used to
post on a special bulletin board to encourage the students in
their studies. However, the same names were posted over
and over again every month, until the administration decid-
ed to play a trick on the students and teachers on the first of
When April Fool's day came, the honor roll list was posted
in its exact position with the same display colors and papers
but with one change in the title, which became "Rock 'n
Roll" instead of "Honor Roll."
Of course nobody paid atten-
tion to the title; the students
were interested solely in the
names on the list.
Everybody who read the
names on the list that day was
in a state of shock, especially
because my name was on the
top of that list. Being aware
of my usual results, nobody
could understand how my
name was even present on
this list, let alone at the top.
Maybe I was the only one that
day who was not complaining
and asking questions about
this weird matter, because I
knew there was something fishy going on.
I could try defending myself, but to no avail, because,
knowing my usual academic achievement, nobody would
ever believe that I deserved to be on the honor roll.
After the chaos which took place for some time among the
students and teachers, owing to the fact that my name was
on the top of that list, the administration head finally decid-
ed to reveal the joke.
I proudly maintained my usual grades, and everybody was
happy ever after, especially those truly deserving of the
honor roll, the “nerds.”
The Quest for Excellence Continues Through Four
Generations at IC: The Khartabil Family
Tamara 3rd elementary,
and Hisham, KGI.
Tamara and Hisham
Osman with their
grandfather, Hisham
Khartabil ’62.
Tamara and Hisham’s great grandfather, Dr. Adib
Khartabil ’20.
Lana Khartabil Osman ’90 with her
daughter Tamara.