Page 11 - IC Newsletter Summer 2010

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SUMMER 2010 11
said Aya Shahine, 9. “My mom didn’t let me do
that. I felt relieved that I was doing something
for those families.”
Alia Bsat, 9, helped her mother serve her
guests and then charged her for it. “It’s the first
time that I feel that I’m actually making a dif-
ference in someone’s life,” she said.
Altogether the group amassed about 2m LL -
just enough to buy the needed 25 pumps for
the camp.
Abu Bilal immediately set to work installing
the pumps (seven have been installed so far).
He later visited IC and presented grade 3 with
a hydrangea plant.
“I couldn’t believe that it took little kids to help
us,” he said.
As Elementary school director, Julia Kozak,
visited the camp, he proudly showed her the
pumps – now providing water to many resi-
She met Najida Marmar and her daughter,
Maya, 10. It used to take Marmar a whole day
to wash the dishes, do the laundry and take a
shower with the trickle of water they received
“I couldn’t wash the dishes if I’m doing the
laundry or if someone was taking a shower,”
said. “We always had to wait for this or that to
Today, a strong jet of water spurts from the
In his office, Abu Bilal is beaming. “That’s one
problem solved,” he said. “I only wish we can
solve the others. I’m very grateful to the IC
kids. I don’t know what we would have done
Back in her class, Sardouk has noted a distinct
difference in her students.
“I see a certain maturity level,” she said. “In-
stead of throwing away pencils, for example,
they want to give it to someone who needs
it. Unfortunate people have become real for
And back in the camp, Maya, can finally take a
shower – a real shower - at her whim.
“I don’t have to wait for the dishes or laundry
to be done,” she said. “It’s great!”