Page 29 - IC Newsletter Summer 2011

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We regret to inform you that Salim Hachache
‘49 passed away on Feb. 23, 2011. He was known
for his charismatic character and generosity.The
IC family sends their deepest condolences to the
Hachache family.
We regret to inform you that Laure
Lunt, English teacher from 1954 to
1989, passed away in April 2011.
The IC family sends their deepest
condolences to the Lunt family.
Those of you who were at IC in the 70s,
80s and into the early 90s will remem-
ber Janet Hyde-Clarke, a colleague who
was instrumental in the introduction of
educational technology to IC, one of the
founding members of the ERC, and the
first full-fledged Director of Ain Aar.
Janet was tenacious in her love for
Lebanon, tumultuous though the
years she spent here. 
Janet was an amazing woman- a
force of nature.  She was a great lover
of bridge, of crosswords, and of causes-
lost and otherwise.  She was intel-
ligent, eloquent, unconventional and
big-hearted. Janet was also a great
lover of literature. May she rest
in peace.
Mishka Mojabber Mourani
Senior Vice President
It is with great sadness that I inform
you of the passing away of our very good
friend Habib Bridi ’69 on May 4th 2011. 
Hibbo, as we used to call him as in “ana
b’hibbo la Hibbo”, will be greatly missed. 
Very few people had as much life in them
as Habib did, and it is sad that his life had
to end so early….
Camille Fuleihan ‘69
In memorium