Page 23 - Alumni Newsletter Summer 2013

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In March, IC President John Johnson and Vice President Alum-
ni & Development Moufid Beydoun ’64
travelled to London
and hosted a lunch at China Tang restaurant. Many alumni and
friends of IC attended, including Board members
Fouad Malouf
and John McCarthy.
In what has become a yearly event, IC President John Johnson and Vice President
Alumni & Development
Moufid Beydoun ’64
travelled to Geneva in March accompa-
nied by Development Officer Nadine Akkaoui to attend an IC alumni/friends reception
sponsored by Bank Audi and organized by John McCarthy.
Dinners & Events
Raya Jallad Saadi ‘61, John McCarthy, John Johnson, Fouad
Malouf ‘56
Basem Ziadeh ‘69, Adnan Kronfol ‘65, Moufid Beydoun ’64, Zeki
Beydoun ‘66