Page 28 - Alumni Newsletter Summer 2013

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directed our future and our steps later on in life.The feeling of
one family under one common roof was overwhelming. I always
enjoy hearing about your news & booming success.Thanks for
outlining the future for us.
Mohssen Sabra
went to Western Germany after graduat-
ing from IC where he studied at the Polytechnical College of
Aachen ( TH –Aachen ) and was awarded in 1963 the ‘Grade
Dipl.-Ingenieur in Elektrotechnik’. From 1964 to 1998, he
worked at the Litani River Authority (ONL) as Manager for
Hydropower generator, and from 1998 to 2005 as General Man-
ager of Slomiasarl – Lebanon. After 2005, he stopped working in
the company but still acts as consultant Engineer.
He currently lives in Mechref. He also sends in the following
pictures. “The pictures were taken of the French section students
at the end of school in 1957 at Mr. Leavitt’s house,” he writes.
“One of these pictures shows the “ classeterminale – serieMath-
ematiques “ of the French section.
Sami Asfour
is the president of Future Concepts, a Global
Marketing Company and a Real Estate Broker doing local and
international residential real estate transactions.
Mounir Haddad
attended the faculty of Law at the University
of Saint Joseph and obtained a Master’s Degree in French Law
and Lebanese Law in 1968. He started practicing law 1969 and
in partnership with other lawyers, he established his own law
firm. “My study of the French Law with an English background
(Prep. Sect in I.C) was very difficult,” he writes, “but with the
encouragement of many IC teachers, I obtained a Law Degree in
French.The family spirit of IC is a big asset to all IC graduates.”
The photo is the graduation held in 11/6/1964 in Hotel Phoenicia.
Michel Antaki
sends the following picture.