Page 7 - IC Newsletter Winter 2004

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Current position:
Publisher, Chairman of the Board,
General Manager and Editorialist of
An-Nahar since January 1, 2000
General Manager of the monthly
magazine NOUN since 1997
Advisor in Communication and
Information to the UNESCO (Paris)
since September 2000
Subject(s) that you disliked:
Physics and chemistry
Memorable teacher(s):
Mr. Robert Courson, Mr. Amine Rihani, Mr. Charles Abou
Chacra, Mr. Issam Aridi, Mr. Henry-Paul Le Troadec.
They taught me how to respect freedom of expression.
They taught me to appreciate the importance of dialogue
because there was always a give-and-take conversation
with them.
Remarkable incident(s) at school:
In 1973 we took over the school after the administration’s
refusal to go on strike. One week later, I was expelled for
three months.
How IC education inspired you:
It had certainly formed and shaped part of my personali-
ty. It also taught me how to take crucial decisions and
how to become independent.
Message that you would like to add:
I have changed many schools but I consider IC the
school where I have the best remembrances. This is
where my character and personality were almost com-
pletely formed.
Current position:
Favorite(s) Subjects at school:
Chemistry, biology, physics, and math
Subject(s) that you disliked:
French philosophy, geography
Memorable teacher(s):
Mr. Mahmoud Korok (physics). He
had such a thirst for knowledge and
thrived on new challenges. “I can’t”
was never in his vocabulary.
Mr. Elie Jabbour (math) had a positive influence on
other students. He was amazing. He taught us to
become students with honor and distinction.
Remarkable incident(s) at school:
Mr. Hector Badran, history teacher, was showing a video
on World War II to our secondary class. He explained
that the film was presenting different historical figures,
such as Adolph Hitler, and that they were all portrayed by
actors who recited the extracts of their exact wordings.
An actor portraying Adolph Hitler appeared.
“Hey! Is that not Adolph Hitler?” I heard a colleague whis-
pering to his friend. His friend regarded him with utter
contempt. “Stupid”, he whispered back “this video is in
color. They did not have color video tape at the time of
Adolph Hitler; it would be in black and white!”
How IC education inspired you:
IC enabled me to receive all my degrees with confidence
and without pressure and stress. IC served me not only
by fulfilling my ambition, but rather helped me in devel-
oping a personality that can suit any culture and society
in the world.
Message that you would like to add:
IC fulfills a great need in our community. It is a mixture of
culture and generations in the heart of Beirut. IC should
keep its role in educating young men and women capa-
ble to be leaders in society. Teachers in turn should play
the role of educators whose aim is to develop the critical
thinking and the civic awareness of every child.
Current position:
Journalist-Reporter at L’Orient-Le
Jour newspaper
Assistant head of the cultural sec-
Favorite subject(s) at school
History, French and Arabic literature,
and biology
Subjects that you really disliked
Chemistry, chemistry, and chemistry
Memorable teacher(s):
Philippe Nasrallah: a man of immense culture and a
teacher who easily communicated his passion. “Dans la
bonne humeur…”
Antoine Chucri: I couldn’t imagine philosophy classes
without his wit and insight of the human mind.
Bachir Copti: a living image of moral integrity and pride.
An example for many students.
Remarkable incident(s) at school
I was criticized by my philosophy teacher for possessing
“too journalistic of a style” in my essays. Turned out to be
the best compliment I ever had. Well, almost.
How IC education inspired you
I learned a lot, more importantly I learned to depend on
myself. The various extra-curricular activities broadened
my horizons. The overall educational approach – a mix of
freedom and discipline – enhances the critical mind. It is
all very helpful in “real life.”
Message that you would like to add
IC has a certain atmosphere, a beautiful campus, and a
collective culture:
Mehio’s place near AUB’s gate, Chawqi’s “Lahm bi ajin”
with mayonnaise…
So many memories… I always feel overwhelmed when I