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campaign will be allocated to the endow-
ment funds.
With the studies completed and fore-
casts made, now begins the real work:
getting pledges.
Some may want to allocate their sums
in one go and others may pledge their
contributions over several years. Some
may donate it in cash, others in stocks.
Some may even bequeath it to the school
in their wills.
“You have to show that your institution
is healthy,” said Beydoun. “Healthy finan-
cially and healthy academically. Nobody
wants to give to a losing cause.”
It’s hardly, ‘a losing cause’, however,
with endowment funds over $45m and
academic scores in 2007 reaching an all
time high.
Donors need only look at this year’s
Bacc exams results:
Seventy-two percents of students ob-
tained outstanding results in the Leba-
nese Brevet. Seventy-five percent of IB
and French Baccalaureate students ob-
tained honors and 85% of Lebanese Bac-
calaureate students obtained honors. All
the students passed their Bacc exam and
produced a mean score of 81 percent.
The second highest average in Lebanon
in the scientific track of the French Bacc
went to an IC student.
Among the top ten students in Beirut
who ranked high in the Bacc exams, nine
were IC students.
Beydoun is confident.
The board members themselves have
personally guaranteed more than 20
percent of the needed capital. The rest is
sure to come.
“There are many many naming oppor-
tunities,” said Beydoun.
Donors have a choice of ‘buying’ class-
rooms, auditoriums, laboratories, facility
or even an entire building – depending
on the amount of contribution. The con-
struction will then carry their name – or
a name of their choice.
“We’ve had many calls in the past from
donors wishing to put their names on
something here,” said Beydoun. “But we
had very few things then.”
Naming opportunities in the past few
years produced the Imad Taher audito-
rium, the Issam Fares Hall, Marwan and
Carole Marshi multipurpose room, Rami
Merhi laboratory, Occidental Petroleum
laboratory, and various benches around
the campus.
“If you believe in what you are doing, it
will come naturally,” said Beydoun. “and
I believe in it.
Parents, alumni and friends who would
like to pledge to the Capital Campaign,
please contact Mr. Moufid Beydoun.
Capital Campaign
The new
Elementary School