Page 20 - IC Newsletter Winter 2011

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A surprise dinner was held on November
3rd at the Bristol Hotel for Chairman of the
Board, William H. Turner, to thank him for
35 years of service. After several touching
speeches, Mr Turner was awarded a special
plaque. But more notably, two annual scholar-
ships will be presented to deserving students
in his name – the William H. Turner Schol-
arships. IC secondary school choir was also
present and thanked Mr Turner in their own
way by performing several beautiful music
compositions including “To Sir with Love”.
“Vision, tenacity, support and hope - such
has been Bill’s way as a trustee and as a
board chairman. Bill has always believed
in IC, and its mission in Lebanon and the
region. Let us not kid ourselves. IC is no
mere school. IC is an idea. IC is what this
country, at its best, can be”
Mishka Mourani,
Senior Vice President
“We’ve been very fortunate to have one
person with the amazing leadership skills
and the amazing foresight of Bill Turner to
lead our board; to lead our school.”
John Johnson,
IC President
“Many times I wondered why a man like
Bill devotes so much time and effort to a
school he did not attend, to a school his
children did not attend, and his grandchil-
dren would not attend? I could come up
with only one answer: it’s the same spirit
and sense of mission that drove the found-
ers of IC to set up a school in this part of
the world to educate people to a better life.”
Imad Taher ‘58,
Board Member
“Bill always gave answers very freely and
has always been able to judge situations
and give logical, sensitive answers when
discussing IC matters.”
Fouad M. Malouf ’56,
Vice Chairman
To Sir with Love