Page 12 - Alumni Newsletter Winter 2006-2007

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Development News
Celebrating the 25th Anniversary
On Saturday, July 8, 2006, more than 80 alumni from the
class of ‘81 gathered at Martin House Garden to celebrate
their 25th graduation anniversary. Mrs. Yasma Fuleihan,
wife of Late
Basil Fuleihan ‘81
, attended the ceremony to
commemorate the spirit of Basil, who was missed among
his classmates. On the occasion, Byblos Bank presented a
check to the Basil Fuleihan Scholarship Fund that was
established in the year 2005. Graduates received a special
pin, along with a CD containing photos from their years
at IC. This anniversary was an occasion for all attendees
to get in touch again after 25 years. The jubilee cake
crowned the dinner, which lasted until after midnight.
Alumni who could not attend sent their deep regrets
for not being able to meet their colleagues after 25
years due to previous commitments, but chose to
send messages to share with their colleagues their
Dina Hajjé ‘81
shared from far the following quota-
tion with her classmates:
“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always
giving, make every day a holiday and celebrate just
living! - by Amanda Bradley With much regrets for
being unable to attend from Rome to Lebanon this
special anniversary, I wish everyone a happy evening
and gathering.”.