Page 13 - IC Newsletter Winter 2004

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The library at Ain Aar Pre-School has a more spa-
cious, open feel this year. The collection underwent
rapid growth since last year as we acquired more
materials to support the Primary Years Program of
Inquiry. Clearly, more shelves were needed, but
they had to be accessible to young readers. A total
reorganization was in order. All teacher materials
were relocated to a workspace just outside the
library; materials in the library itself are now just for
kids! Sturdy, colorful shelves put books within easy
reach of Pre-School hands, in an attractive space
that has been custom-built for children. The large
central area is perfect for readings, puppetry and
dramatization. We know students and teachers will
love their new and improved library!
Across campus at the Elementary / Middle School, the library
is busier than ever with its new computer wing. Classes can
now search the online catalog and databases with a pod of 10
computers, sit in comfortable reading chairs for pleasure read-
ing, or do group work at tables.
Ras Beirut library collections are larger and better than ever, sup-
porting curricula for PYP, IB, TPE and Lebanese programs. Pre-
School and elementary libraries have had shelves added to
accommodate new resources. Avid readers fromRas Beirut Middle
School have heard that the new Follett order has arrived; they
eagerly await the unpacking of award-winning Young Adult titles!
Circulation has increased again this year at the Secondary
School. Magazine articles, reference books, online subscription
sources, and scholarly books are all popular choices for
Extended Essays and Travaux Personnels, while our new
paperback collections make for relaxing week-end reading.
Teachers and librarians at the Secondary School are using
the new Multimedia Demo Room to instruct students on every-
thing from research methods to genetic manipulation. Our web
page continues to develop as a virtual library for work in school
and at home. All in all, IC libraries are places of active learning
and reading enjoyment!
Introduced in 1996, Prom
Night, the biggest social
event of the school year, is
an exciting moment for all
our graduates. Not only is
Prom Night filled with the
promise of a prom dress, a
prom date, a prom queen,
and king, a limousine, a cor-
sage, and an after-prom
party, but it also provides
students with a sense of
At IC, Prom Night varies
from year to year. Some
beautiful local traditions have
developed over the years and
graduates of 2003 were in for a
big change: Prom and Miss Torch were celebrated together rather
than on separate nights. At first, students were disappointed in having
to celebrate two events in one night. But, to everyone’s surprise, the
merging of Prom and Miss Torch turned out to be a very successful
night packed with events.
Three hundred and twenty-five guests attended the event at BIEL that
night: parents, teachers, administrators and, of course, students were all
present. At 7:30pm, BIELwas teeming with luxurious cars, prom couples
and beautiful gowns, and everyone gathered for souvenir photos.
The night started with the Miss Torch and Mister Graduate pageant.
The title for Miss Torch was awarded to Tracy Lynn Harmoush (High
School) and the title of Mister Graduatewent to Jad Itani (English section).
A special dedication was made that night: Secondary teachers had
prepared a short film, “Message from the Heart,” in which they deliv-
ered a message to their students.
At around 11:30pm, Prom festivities started, and the naming of
Prom Queen (Roula Abla, 6th High School) and Prom King (Nader
Jaber, 6th High School) occurred at the end of the night. At 1am, Prom
Night ended, and graduates headed for their party.
“Thanks to Mr. Chirazi (activities and CAS coordinator) it turned out
to be an unforgettable night,” declared Dina Azar ‘03, “It lead to every-
one’s happiness, including our parents.”
prom night and the miss torch pageant
1st runner-up Lama Saleh, Miss Torch
Tracy Lynn Harmoush, and 2nd runner-
up Christina Oueiss