Page 17 - IC Newsletter Winter 2006

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Trustees’ Week in Lebanon
Sees the Honoring of Trustee
Emeritus Mr. A. Lachlan Reed
Twenty board members attended this year’s Trustees’ board
meeting in Beirut on October 5 and 6. A schedule filled
with back-to-
back meetings,
tours of the
campuses, and
dropping in on
classes, await-
ed our mem-
bers. This year
three trustees
emeriti attend-
ed the meeting
as well, includ-
ing the grand-
son of IC
Alexander McLachlan: A. Lachlan Reed. Mr. Reed was pre-
sented with an IC gold medal and certificate from Board
Chairman William Turner, during an Iftar held at the house
of local trustee Mrs. Mona Bawarshi ’67. The Certificate and
IC Medal were both inscribed with the dedication: “In
recognition of his inspired leadership, enthusiastic support,
and decades of devoted service to International College, the
Board of Trustees gratefully presents the IC Medal of Honor
to Lachlan Reed”. A dinner party was held at Martin House
to which the trustees of IC and AUB were invited, as well as
US Ambassador Jeffrey Feltman.
Development News
Made in America 2005 Exhibition
In its third Annual Trade and Fair Exhibition for U.S. Products
and Services in Lebanon, the “Made in America 2005” display
was bigger than ever, with 300 companies represented.
Moreover, this year, International College had the honor of
participating in the exposition. An American school, it was
located under the “U.S. Agency for International
designation, along
with the American
University of
Beirut (AUB),
University (LAU),
and many others.
Many IC alumni
approached our
stall with looks of
fond reminis-
cence on their
faces; parents came up to the stand with their children
cheering: “I am an IC student!” Others asked questions
about the school and contemplated the idea of enrolling
their children one day!
The IC stand in the Made in America 2005 Exhibition.
IC 2005 Reunions
The IC 25th
and 50th
was held on
July 1,
2005, at
the Martin
Gardens. In a
balmy summer atmosphere filled with laughter and nostal-
gia for the good old days, the silver and golden jubilee fes-
tivity gathered more
then 150 alumni and
their teachers.
A highlight of the
evening was the dis-
tribution of memen-
tos to the classes of
1955 and 1980.
The Trustees enjoyed an iftar hosted by local Trustee Mrs. Mona Bawarshi '67 and her family.
Board Chairman William Turner(left) and Dr. Charles(right)
presented Trustee Emeritus Mr. Lachlan Reed (center) with
a certificate and the IC Medal.
The class of 1980.
The class of 1955.